WTF is up with the double standard here?

I was always taught that calling black people 'niggers' was wrong, that it should NEVER be said and they should NEVER be called that and I totally agree, that should NEVER happen. I have no reason to use the word, I have no reason whatsoever to say the word and no matter how pissed off I may get on occasion, even then I wouldn't say it or use it. I've been told by a lot of people that that is the absolutely best way to do things and the most mature way to do them as well too.

BUT, recently on here, I've been seeing a lot of black guys posting on here on their profiles or under their pictures and they happen to FREELY and with no shame whatsover boast to white women 'that there is nothing quite like good ole, strong, thick nigger cock'...REALLY? If it's wrong for ME to use the word, why is it OK for YOU to spurt that same bullshit out for? I was going to nicely ask one of these black 'studs' why he does that but very convienently, I could not message him because I was the wrong gender apparently.

Again, what the fuck makes it right for that cocksucker to freely call himself 'the stud with the big, black nigger cock your wife secretly craves' and he also openly states that he's free to come by when the hubby's away? Seriously? If it's wrong for anyone white or Latino to use that word, what the fuck makes it right for this black motherfucker to come out and openly taunt white guys by saying 'he'll give her the big cock she truly deserves when you're away'? Wanna bet, motherfucker?

Believe me, I'm farthest from the best looking guy in the world, I know I'm not and I'm perfectly comfortable in my own skin saying that too. And while I'm not the best looking guy in the world, many a woman has openly complimented me more than once about how respectful and courteous and mannerly I am towards them. They tell me that those traits don't seem to be as prevalent in society as they used to be. I grew up having respect for others, especially my elders, they are owed that and I make sure they get it too every chance I can give it to them. They tell me that it's a shame that a really nice guy like me who is well mannered, well spoken and respectful and loving is still single while the scum of the Earth are the ones who get the women and most of them like that black asshole who freely uses the term 'nigger' where no one else apparently can? WTF is up with that?

Listen, scumbag, get it through your fucking head, ok? I am NOT a racist, I wasn't brought up that way..I don't use terms that you go ahead and call yourself either! And then when I try to PM you to ask you a simple question as to why you say the rest of society clearly cannot for BS reasons, you make sure that no other guy can PM you anything and ask a simple, non-confrontational question like I was going to? If your cock is SO big like you CLAIM it to be, suck it yourself, you black motherfucker you! You keep men from commenting because you know full well that we'd give you shit about your warped, utterly racist motherfucking mind! I bet if this big, decently thick white cock was fucking a hot black babe, I bet you wouldn't fucking like THAT now, would you, bitch? And oh yeah, if you're so fucking massively long, here's an idea for you and your fellow 'niggers' who share the same mindset you do...if you're so fucking big, SUCK YOUR OWN COCKS, bitch! You don't need white women to do it! The reason you go for white pussy and not black is because black women are sadly used to your shit and they're much stronger willed than a lot of white women are and they won't be afraid to tell you the fuck off whereas you think if white women see your cock, you think you OWN them? What makes it right for you black motherfuckers to get off and say 'I wanna own white bitches for my big black cock', hmm? If it was wrong for white people to own them and I agree that it totally was, it never should have happened, but it did. I never kept a slave, motherfucker, that was how fucking long ago, scumbag? SHUT THE FUCK UP about reparations, bitches, you aren't fucking getting anymore, you got plenty motherfuckers play the race card because it's the only one you have and it's fucking shameful too! If anything, I admire strong black women, I always have and always will because unlike their white counterparts who easily spread like butter on toast, black women will speak their minds, they will shut you the fuck down and a lot of white women simply won't and it's sad! White women are smart, no question, but not as smart as their black female counterparts, that's goddamned obvious!

Believe me, while I may have a lot of faults about myself and I freely accept them too. ..but despite the faults, I'm still well liked and respected by a majority of women I know, either through working with them or knowing them in other ways. They all think I'm a catch for the right woman because they know me pretty well and most for a long time too. One other thing I don't believe I am is a stud, I may not believe that but the minority of women I've been very fortunate to share intimate relations with over the years, again, they believe I was very caring, very considerate, very passionate, very warm, very understanding. Knowing I'm getting all those compliments from those very women and their endless support for me and wanting me to land a lucky girl who deserves a great guy like me and as God as my witness, come later this summer, I'm gonna find myself a great woman after I move to call the Lehigh Valley home!

Ending this, simply put, I REFUSE to call any black people 'niggers', I was brought up the right way and I refuse to say it even if they call me anything they want. But if you're black and freely call yourself a 'nigger' and the rest of society can't? Who knows, maybe you truly are one of what you called yourself, bitch! Especially if you're black you shouldn't be saying that shit, ok? Don't like what I have to say on this? Guess what? FUCK YOU, I don't care!

Call us white boys and Latino boys anything you fucking want, personally, I don't give a rat's fuck! And I can tell you one more thing, motherfucker...after I get into next relationship in the coming months, I can assure you that she will NEVER need your sorry black ass, motherfucker because I'm going to give her so much cock, her pussy will be sore from riding my big cock! She's not going to be my whore or anything like that, ok? She's simply gonna be my girlfriend/fiancee/wife...plain and simple, she's not going to need your sorry racist black ass or your cock either, fuckhead! Am I ever glad that amongst all the black friends I have, NONE of them, has ever used that word. If it's wrong for society as a whole to use the word 'nigger', it's all the moreso that it's wrong for blacks to call themselves something no one else in society is allowed to! I have a lot of black friends and even THEY get pissed off by all these supposed black guys claiming 'Mandingo superiority over the white man'...keep believing that, bitch! If white bitches buy into your bullshit, I feel sorry for them but then again, I don't because if they buy your bullshit that black women are well schooled on and don't buy, I don't feel sorry for them. They deserve whatever fucking negative shit they get and they will have NO ONE to blame but themselves for it!

The way I see it, if you wanna call me a 'tiny cocked cracker loser', feel free, motherfucker, if it makes you feel big, go for it and as much as I WANT to call you a fucking loser crackhead r****t nigger fuck? Guess what, I won't do it because I wasn't raised that way and I'm not going to give into your sorry racist black ass, ok? Don't even dare try that smooth bullshit with Latinas either, motherfuckers, just don't! They're every bit as strong as black women history has taught me that much! If your dicks are so big motherfuckers, you don't need white women, just buy some lube and stick your cock up your ass and go fuck yourself with it, scumbag! :-/

PS-Oh yeah, one more thing...if you're black and you call yourself a nigger? Guess what? I don't want to be associated with your sorry ass because I don't associate with racists of ANY color, motherfucker! :-)
Diterbitkan oleh HungHornyNEPA
6 tahun lalu
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Dude types the n-word a million times and tries to tell people this isnt about race. Dumb fuck. Every culture has their strange customs. Customs are not law. You can say it, clearly you've said it a million times in your lame ass post. What you want, and lets be very clear about this, what you want is to be accepted saying it. You want a marine dog tag without ever having been in the army. You want to throw up gang signs without ever joining the gang. You want the same lord of the rings tattoo that the cast got despite the fact you never shot a scene. Its fucking pathetic and honestly strange how obsessed you people are with this word. Compare that to our collective indifference to your culture and ask yourself why?  like I said, there are plenty of other cultures, right here in this very country to emulate. No one argues with them over their customs. No one argues with the Japanese when they tell you to take off your shoes in their house. Why don't you go be obsessed with someone else? You're like the kindergartner whose mom had to buy him presents every time he went to someone else's party because he would cry when he saw that all those presents weren't his. fucking pathetic. There are certain things in every culture you can or cant do.  You can observe these things or not, thats up to you but you cant have it both ways. Dont cry about some black woman blocking you after you've said the n -word a million times in a pointless moronic rant. 
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Word, brother! Not too long ago, a very large investigation was made in the USA, tens of thousands of people of all races, ages and social backgrounds were asked how they feel about a lot of things. Plus they used a lie detector to see how many people speak politically correctly but don't really think politically correctly.
They found out a lot of things, but the one thing that struck me most was that the by far most racist group of people in the USA are young blacks.
No further comment needed.
Strong feeling expressed in a clear manner.  Thanks for sharing!
Good! I go out of my way to avoid that crap but others freely use it without worry! Amen, assholes exist in ALL creeds/races, totally agree there too! I couldn't agree more with what you said! Great post! :smile:
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I got a guy's profile taken down the other day, cos he was using offensive terminology and preaching unprovoked hate against white people.He was from the RoSA, so fair enough, there are or have been some pretty evil white South Africans, but arseholes exist in ALL creeds. We as white people don't call each other "Honky" but maybe it should be used where black people continue to call each other the N-word. Might make them aware about how daft they sound if we called each that or Snowy/Chalkie....
Not a prob with anything you said! Thanks for chiming in on it! :smile:
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Let them call them self's what ever. That is a no self respecting tanned man. Some of them whites belong in trailer parks for a good reason and some "Evolved" lol Just don't call em the N word keep your respect intact. Cheers from Canada.
Well, historically, I've never used it and don't plan on it anytime soon either though there ARE blacks out there who act like them. Last time I checked, no one white I know uses it and doesn't plan on it either. I'm sure there are whites who DO use it but I'm sure not one of them. I don't give a flying fuck, it's wrong for ANYBODY to use it, it's even worse if blacks say it to other blacks, if anything, I'd expect them of all people NOT to use it, they should know better but sadly, many don't and chill? LOL..Who said I was upset? Sure wasn't me! :smile:
And I DON'T say it. Personally, I don't see the need. But while I don't say it, what makes it ok for them to call each other that? If it's wrong for me to say it, the same should apply to them. There are NO exceptions IMHO.
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whoa. you still don't get to say that n-word, dude
Thanks much, really glad you enjoyed what I had to say. It wasn't in any kind of a racist tone at all and at least you and others saw it as such. I think that racist bullshit needs to stop being played but sadly, it won't...honestly, I think it'll still be there long after you and I are gone honestly. And you're right, a LOT of blacks play the race card both ways, I'm glad you see it too. And I agree with you that those who expect white women to submit to them are the worst kind, totally agree with that! And the fact that they hate black women blows my mind because I've seen quite a few really attractive black women and they pass them over for no real good reason. Well, honestly, I'm a PA guy NOW but I wasn't always one. I grew up an hour west of Manhattan i New Jersey...Until I met my older bestie, I was never really into older women but since then, I am..I'm into skinny women but not BONE thin skinny, that's just wrong and not attractive and honestly not healthy either...I respect any women I meet, how they react to me is out of my hands, ya know? 9 out of 10 I meet like me and we get along great but there's always that one bitch, ya know? LOL
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I really enjoyed this. You're right. A lot of black play the race card both ways. They don't want you use the N-word and then they call themselves the N-word. They want all white women to get on their knees and be dominated by their sorry self-hating asses. These kind of guys are the  worse kind of self hating racists, and they hate black women even worse than the white women. I am finding that you are a PA guy that I would like to know better. We have the same taste in women, I just don't like skinny women, love the older woman, and respect all women. This site is one of the best I've been on and I only started today...
And hell, just as I saw black guys smaller than me, I also saw that some white guys were bigger than myself and them, so the racist bullshit that goes along with this is just wrong.. and not factual either...
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AT all, not AKK all..sorry about that...just spotted it now...
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I can agree with this, honestly I can. To be honest, I'm not sure if it's fantasy or preference but if it's a preference, if you're white and you love black cock, you never should have dated or married a white guy because IMHO, that leads the white guy on to believe he truly does have something when it's someone else who has it, he's only in the background. I'd never do that to ANY woman and believe me, when I start dating again this summer, the woman I date? If it gets to the point where we consummate the relationship with sex then she is going to KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I have absolutely NO intentions of cheating on her at akk, If she gives me her heart, soul and body, I'll be damned if I'm gonna betray her with another woman. Not a chance! I totally agree with your thinking here, it makes sense and sounds logical to me and on this site, you really don't get THAT many logical conversations let's be honest! LOL...Do I like black women? YES, I do but I don't think it'd ever get to the physical part of things. I mean, you never know but honestly, I don't think so. Believe me, I hate the race bullshit too, I really do, I think it's totally unnecessary but people keep throwing it in our faces no matter what and it's wrong! And you're right, it's NOT true that all white men have tiny cocks and all black guys have huge ones because that's blatantly false. I have no interest in naked men but I can tell you after gym class in high school and we showered up, I never made it a point to look, I'm straight..LOL..but I used to think all black guys had huge cocks and I saw I was definitely wrong...some of them looked smaller than me for chrissakes. So that there alone kills that thinking that they are ALL hugely hung, it's definitely not true at all just like all white guys aren't small dicked either. Lord knows I'm not unless having 8" and a decently thick cock makes me 'small dicked', I don't know! LOL....I'd like to think it wouldn't! And I know that ALL black men aren't thugs or gangstas, believe me, I grew up an hour west of Manhattan in Jersey, I know this to be true and most aren't but sadly, the minority ARE and those scumbags are the ones who go after gullible white pussy and sadly enough, more times than not, they get about white trash? We have plenty of that, believe me. I went to school with it and I'm well versed in it sadly. At least I know what to avoid though! LOL...and believe me, the feeling is very mutual about this discussion with you too, no question! Very enjoyable, no doubt! :smile:....No hostility, nothing, definitely a nice change and I appreciate that you've helped to make that happen! :smile:
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Again, I personally believe it's a fantasy or a preference. I'm well aware that there are black women who would LOVE to be with only white guys. In fact, my older sister only dates white guys and I have NO problem with her or any black women only wanting white guys. It doesn't effect, bother, or worry me in the slightest. I don't know if it has anything to do with slavery (I personally don't think so) because as I said, there are videos of white men dominating black women and talking shit about black guys, just like the ones of black men and white women. Now, no "dominance" of any kind is for me, but I do get a kick out of interracial porn. I don't think any less of anybody for their own sexual preferences or fantasies regarding race or anything else, even it's not for me. While, I would like to understand some things because it could be informative and interesting, that does NOT mean it's for me or that I'll start to like it, but to each their own I suppose. Porn scenarios are hardly ever a reflection of real life. For example: while I do enjoy watching interracial porn, I have NEVER actually been with a white women. I love white women as much black women, but I mostly don't pay much attention to race, unless it's thrown in my face. I definitely understand why it pisses you off when black guys or white women stereotype white guys as having small penises, because it's not true for ALL white guys. I don't like when white guys or black women stereotype black men as all "thugs" "gangstas" or saying "black men ain't shit," but ignorance is a thing that will unfortunately always exist. I must say, I have enjoyed having this discussion with you.
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And honestly, NO, it's not TMI for you to tell me what you've got...hell, I don't think it's TMI to say I'm 8" and decently thick...I say it not to rub anyone the wrong way, I only say it because it's true and I have NO reason to hide it either...none at all. I don't say it to make lesser endowed people feel small, they're not, it's just what happens. I don't have a ton great about me but one of the few things I DO have is a big cock and to this day, not one woman, outside of my bitchy ex, has ever had a problem with it..if anything, most every one of them have LOVED it...and knowing they did make me feel great, not superior to anyone for any reason...I know a lot play that game, but I'm not one of them! :pensive:
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Well, it COULD very well be that and in most cases, I believe that to be the case but in a lot of other ways, I believe this is getting back at the white man for that slavery bullshit angle they keep grasping onto. It ended hundreds of years ago, it was fucking wrong, I never said it was right, but their bullshit on persuading dumbassed airheaded blondes to suck and fuck their cocks? It's a 'black supremacy' bullshit angle. Because of slavery, they all have bigger cocks than whites or Latinos and THEY are the only ones who can satisfy white women because white men are wimps with puny cocks? Really? I don't have a puny cock, bitch, I think I actually have a pretty big one for a white guy at 8" and decently thick and of the lovers I've had, older and younger, NOT A ONE has complained, if anything, they LOVED it! I don't believe in dominance though, I don' call for that shit anymore either. Most of these black thug motherfuckers want nothing to do with black pussy, they just want to dominate and inseminate white women as a way of payback for slavery, which is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard of! And stupid white cunts spread for these gangsta motherfuckers and think they're hurting us by calling us puny and how we don't compare to kong dongs? Well, say what you want but the very same black women you ignore to fuck our white women? Hmm, they don't seem to have a problem with our big cocks, they seem to suck and fuck and milk them quite're not hurting us, motherfucker...we're doing every bit as well as you and with actually better quality of women than you are too! Too many gullible white bitches fuck these day they'll wake up but I fear it won't be while I'm alive! :frowning:
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TBH, I think it's more of a fetish than anything. I suppose some black guys like to believe that they can have any white woman they want because they have some sort of fantasy of domination. I'm black and I do not have a huge 9 inch cock, mine is a comfortable 6 1/2 inches (sorry if that's tmi). I know there are a lot of guys, including white, who do have a bigger cock than me and I'm secure and fine with that. No stereotype about any race, whether good or bad, is totally true for all (maybe some). I've seen porn where white guys have dominance over black women and black women denounce black men in it and vise versa. I guess it's all about preference. I personally don't care about white women or black women, I just love women of all colors. I do know, however, that some men and women prefer a certain race, whether it be their own or not.
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Totally agree with you, Lil, no question. My disagreement has nothing to do with racist BS because it never has. These bastards think white women and white pussy are theirs to dominate because they know they can get away with bullshit with them that they full well know they could never get away with with black women because IMHO, black women are wise to their bullshit and white women are easily impressionable where as black women clearly aren't. They've been there before, they know how the game is played, they've been through it. :frowning:
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Not a problem at all, sir. I really love and appreciate who two sides can come together and talk like intellectuals, even if they disagree. I wish we could do more of it
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Not a problem, very well thought out post, well spoken, the whole deal. No debate with this because honestly, I think it makes perfect sense and I totally agree with it! Well stated! :smile:
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 And I almost forgot, Dr. Carson actually ran for President too...he dropped out but is now the Secretary in the Department of Housing and Urban Development and that position can help a lot of people too. If Trump hadn't have run, he surely would have gotten my vote, no question! Obama was a known racist bullshit artist too. He wasn't the first BLACK President because he was only HALF black, his mother, Ann Dunham, was white and I've known that if your parents are mixed like his obviously were, you're not one color or the other, you're fucking mixed and I know this because I went to grade school and high school with kids with mixed parents and they looked exactly like fucking him! Racist motherfucker. He cared about Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, two thugs who got what they deserved, especially Brown who tried to kill a cop with his own gun in Ferguson, Missouri? Fuck him! Glad the fat pothead fucker is is dead and the same for that Skittles and Iced Tea fucker Trayvon too! I thought George Zimmerman was an asshole until I followed the case and listened to the testimony...the more I heard, the more Zimmerman was in the right...poor guy was getting his skull smashed into the pavement for chrissakes. I still thought he was gonna be found guilty but when he wasn't, I wasn't overly surprised, no question. But when Kate Steinle was killed on a sunny afternoon while she was on a walk on a pier in San Francisco after an illegal cocksucker stole someone's gun and he shot her and she died right in her father's arms and the cocksucker actually got off in SF? Not surprising, that place is a liberal fucking hellhole! If Hillary had been President, this country would cease to exist in a few years. I'm not a huge fan of President Trump but I DID vote for him all the way through and while he still has a ways to go, I think he's made incredible strides in his first year. After he's done, this country won't be totally fixed but it will be on the way to much needed recovery and our standing around the world as a world power 
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Hey there, thanks much for replying on this topic, I definitely appreciate it and I also appreciate your honesty on this too, more than you know honestly. Yeah, I was simply going to ask him about something not racist in any way but simply why he felt to insert 'black supremacy' over white women because us white guys only have tiny cocks that we obviously can't please them the way they supposedly can? I tried to simply mail him that question because I was a guy, didn't matter the color, apparently, I could not ask him and I'm sure I'm far from the only one who couldn't because I surely believe there were a lot of others who had similar questions but couldn't because we weren't slutty white chicks who go for that 'once you go black, you never go back' bullshit...
Again, I know this is only your opinion and whatnot and I'm fine with that. At least you're honest about it. Do I know black men are well endowed? Well, duh, who doesn't fucking know THAT? I know a lot of black men are but let's be totally honest, you ALL aren't well endowed, you all aren't Lexington Steele or Mandingo or Wesley Pipes, ok? White women make the stupid fucking mistake of believing that you ALL are like that and I can tell you when I was in high school, we just got done with our gym class for the period and we were showering near the locker rooms and there were at least 2 or 3 black guys I went to school with and since I'm totally straight and always will be, I just made it a point to quickly glance at them in the shower and of the 3 guys, two of them were fucking smaller than mine for chrissakes! That's why I've always believe and a lot of black women already know that they all aren't well hung because if they were, they wouldn't want white trash, but they just think they all ARE like that and stupid blonde white bitches are dumb enough to believe it sadly...
As far as the Klan goes, believe me, they DO NOT speak for me, anyone who has to wear a hood over their heads to commit crimes are nothing more than punkass bitches! If you're so fucking brave, why hide your fucking face? That bullshit about 'nigga', I can believe that too, I truly can, seriously. I can believe your ancestors hated that word, it's not hard to know why at all, it was disgusting and dehumanizing..period! I really never knew who actually owned the country but I would agree that it's a mostly white owned country but blacks are making tremendous strides these days, no question. Look at Dr. Ben Carson for chrissakes. He came from a poor black area and somehow made it all the way to Johns Hopkins University and got himself a PHd..he wasn't supposed to do that but he did, he came from nothing and made himself into a very successful doctor and one who should be proud of all he's accomplished. I really love that guy, I really do and always will! To me, he's the epitome of coming from nothing and making yourself into a success and he's safely done that and I'm big time proud of him fo
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Hello, sir. I read your post and saw how a guy used the "n-word" and you had a simple non-confrontational question, but you were unable to PM him. First off, let me apologize for that guy's cowardly actions, but as a proud black man myself, I would like to answer the question for you. Keep in mind that I do not speak for all black people and this is just my own humble opinion. I do understand why you would want to know how come black people use that word, but are upset when other races use it. Well, First: yes, white people did invent that word as a way of dehumanizing black people and it was a disgusting racist word (still is). However, after going through the vicious, violent, and hateful horror that was slavery and segregation, black people were promised a lot of things that they did not get and did not see. "White power" was a phased invent by the KKK to show white supremacy, meanwhile the Black Panthers came up with "Black power" to show equality and to say that we are just as good as whites, even with nappy hair, big lips, dark skin, and wide noses. Ever defiant and clever, black people also took a word that whites used to dehumanize us and turned it into a term of endearment as another way of showing pride. Using the term "nigga" instead of "nigger," black people started using this word as a term all our own, since we never got a lot of things which were promised. We figured the least we were owed was to own and keep a word we now popularized for ourselves. We use it as remembrance of our ancestors (who hated that word btw) for their suffering, pain, torment, sacrifice, and hard work. We feel that if you don't share our history, you can't use that word because you insult it. TBH, white people own the country, so why can't we just own that word without others trying to take that from us? Again, I understand your point of view and I am not, in any way, trying to change or belittle your opinion. As a black man who uses that word, I just wanted to share that with you since the other guy was too cowardly to do so. Again, this is just my opinion and mine alone. I do not have a problem with your opinion and I definitely have no problem with black people who refuse to use that word.
Look this is garbage check out Bone Party and tell her you want to share a white bitch, she will suck your white hung dick as fantasy, just as a willing curious white one will on my hung black dick. I am virtually disinterested in black women and want toe popping white granny head and pussy and ass.