Who creates this shit? Why did I fall for it?

Somebody sent me this because they said I seem to like to play risky games. And, even though they were right! I thought they were absolutely crazy! The idea and all the information is just fucked up! Don't get me wrong! The idea is totally exciting and all! So, I said, no! The biggest problem I have with it! Is now, I kind of want to fucking do it! Maybe not to the extreme as this. Probably not anywhere near! I'm thinking boob shots and phone numbers. It just doesn't sound as exciting. Without the risk of becoming someones bi… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh EmilyWilliams69 4 tahun lalu 5

How To Make Your Cum Taste Great

You might be wondering just why it matters that your cum tastes really good. It is simple. Ladies like men who have sweet cum. If you want your girl to keep coming back for more and love you even better, you need to make your cum as appetizing as possible. Making Your Jizz Taste Better If you are a party a****l, you are in for a big disappointment. This is because the first thing that you need to do is to limit your intake of alcohol, d**gs, cigarettes and even junk food. Research shows that vegetarians, whether males or females, tend to have bodily secretions that taste better. Therefor… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh menext 9 tahun lalu 135

Hard to walk today

Last night I got a phone call from my good friend Suzie. She's wild and crazy just like me and anytime we get together it's always party time. She says her friend has a playroom that I will love so of course I tell her I'm in. I arrive at her friends house and am greeted at the door by a handsome gentleman who offers me a drink. I sit on the sofa and sip on the drink as he tells me Suzie is downstairs and we will join her in just a minute. Well he must have slipped something in my drink because I started getting real woozy and dizzy. I wake up and find myself lying on a bed stark naked and m… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh ruffredmuff 5 tahun lalu 27

I don't like it in my ass

I love sex and I believe if it feels good...do it! However, I really don't like to be fucked in my ass...it hurts! Now if I am really worked up and there are several guys on me then of course I expect someone to end up in my ass. The other night was such an occasion.In fact I ended up with two cocks at once in my ass, didn't know there was room for two there. It all started with a party that I stayed at too long. Mostly everyone had already left and whoever was left was really wasted. Turns out I was the only girl left with four guys. So of course I became the center of attention. There wer… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh ruffredmuff 6 tahun lalu 36

My First Time

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Dipost oleh eterniti 8 tahun lalu

Horse x Slut <3

I was young .. very young :] Well, how should I start ... It was on an beautiful day! :D A warm & shiny day on autuum; so it was a good day to ride my horsy ^__^ - we ride into the wood. After maybe 1 - 1 1/2 hours I'd make a break for picnic .. =] I don't know why this day .. but I asked me how it would be to suck an horsedick .. I've seen it before in the internet & it looked so good!! After thinking for a while I'd decide to do it ... It was to interessting for me to say no! :D But I was knowing I can't do this on this place because I was afraid If somebody comes to this place… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh LiiahxSky-Bby 13 tahun lalu 32

Cum Increasing Formula

So a few years ago I noticed that I wasn't cumming as much as I used to. For years I abused my cock through constant masturbation and constant fucking. Sometimes I'd jerk off a few hours after fucking. I used to shoot a beautiful sticky load. I would admire it as I plastered it all over my girlfriends or all over myself. I don't claim to shoot nearly as much as that famous ejaculator PeterNorth but, if I shot a scene with him I would definitely hold my own. Well let me make a potentially long story short. I took my ejaculate for granted. I thought I'd always have a ever ready cock and I though… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh dic_izinme 4 tahun lalu 10


If you have never used your Enema Bulb then as soon as you do you will probably find that is all you needed. When it comes to eating and anal play it is not just about fiber, it is about timing. If you eat dinner at 7pm and nothing after that, then your stomach is effectively empty at 9pm. Don't graze on anything after dinner. If you stay awake till 10pm or later, your body keeps processing your food intake and a gap opens up behind the bulk of your dinner. Go to sleep. Next day, wake up and DON'T eat breakfast straight away. Give it an hour or two. Keep your fluids up but no solids.… Baca selanjutnya

Dipost oleh kinkybinky 9 tahun lalu 15

cream and cum fart... i love this games!

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Dipost oleh sardatroia 6 tahun lalu